Matt. 16:18
Rock Life Coaching & Mentoring Corp.
Informed Consent
At Rock Life Coaching and Mentoring Corp, we have a diverse team of Christian Life Coaches and ministry workers. Although some of our team members hold their Master's degrees in psychology, they are currently not working under a license, as they are seeking to provide Biblical Lay-Counseling and Life Coaching. To keep accountable, all the team members meet times a month as a team to review their Life Coaching and Mentorship duties and to pray for each other's clients. They stay accountable to God by attending church on a weekly basis, as well as serve in church ministry outside of Rock Life Coaching and Mentoring, and submit to their pastoral leadership above them.
Our team values our relationship with God and with our clients, and believe that these relationships are the beacon in the healing process. We work under a spiritual model that helps our clients become empowered by finding their answers in Christ, the Word of God, and through Christ-based relationships to support them in their journey. Life coaching and mentoring does not involve diagnosing or treating mental disorders, but is about acknowledging human brokenness and seeking behavioral, emotional, and spiritual healing. A coach/mentor works to keep you accountable for the spiritual goals you set while also encouraging you to make Biblically-led decisions and changes it takes to meet those goals.
Client’s Rights
The client may ask questions on what to expect during coaching/mentoring and the end result of the coaching.
The client may decline to proceed with coaching/mentoring as to the techniques which may be conducted by the coach.
The client may cease to continue coaching/mentoring at any time, without any impediment and may return to coaching at any time.
The coach has the right to dismiss the client from the course of the coaching/mentoring.
Right to confidentiality: All information will not be shared or revealed to any person, agency, or organization without the prior written consent of the client. The coach may break confidentiality if client speaks about a detailed plan of suicide, suspected child abuse, adult dependent abuse, and/or elder abuse.
The client can raise any concerns and speak with the coach immediately of any concerns provided that the coach is likewise available to discuss matters with the client.
The coach will not provide any mental illness diagnoses and encourages the client to seek professional services from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist if wanting such diagnosis.
The coach will not provide any advice concerning medical and/or psychotropic medication; the coach will always refer the client to speaking with their doctor/psychiatrist.
The coach, and Rock Life Coaching and Mentoring Corp, is not liable or responsible for any life decisions the client chooses to make during or after services are provided.